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Slimyglood Sensory World - Dinosaurs

Horizon Group

Regular price $9.99

Open up a world of tactile fun with Dinosaur SLIMYGLOOP Sensory Worlds! From moldable, stretchable, expandable sand to ooey-gooey slime, bumpy pebbles, soft glitter poms, and even dinosaur figurines, this specially curated multi-sensory bin offers tons of ways for little ones to learn through tactile play! Explore different textures when you fold bumpy beads into ooey-gooey slime or form the moldable sand into fun prehistoric creatures. Hide the Brontosaurus and T-Rex figurines throughout the slime or sand and go on a sensory scavenger hunt! Slime and play sand are great for helping kids explore tactile sensations, expand their imaginations, and even relieve stress. This all-in-one sensory bin functions as both a play space and storage case - so you can have endless fun without the stress of a mess! Just pack up the components and keep them inside the bin when you're done having fun. Perfect for little learners ages 3 and up.